Very early morning

When do you feel most productive?

I like to wake up very early, I tend to sleep early before 10 pm , I wake up around 4:00 am fajr prayer take a walk for at least 30 minutes when I get back home a shower and make myself breakfast usually some variation of eggs “boiled most of the time” and a cup of coffee, and I’m ready to work, I would start working on my novel a bit, and get ready to stream some game maybe my own writing if I’m feeling it, do drop by on Twitch and say hi, or just lurk.

On a side note

Old picture of my love for Riyadh

Games, science fiction, fantasy and TV shows

What topics do you like to discuss?

I enjoy talking about games mainly PC games, love to discover new games and play them with friends or solo, storytelling and lore comes naturally with my next topics too,

My love for science fiction “Star Trek and Warhammer 40,000” and fantasy “Stormlight Archive “ exploration of the world building and going beyond what is written,

Then discuss tv shows and movies including anime is fun time with like minded people , and as you might imagine more interested in sci fi and fantasy as priority for me personally

On a side note I ordered for tonight

For dinner

Marriage, my ex wife

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

Taking the decision to marry someone of my own choice it was not easy, granted it did not last but it was a learning experience and I got to know more about myself, family were happy but happy at the same time they can be upset for a bit but family always comes back.

She was the best thing that ever happened to me, unfortunately I screwed up, miscommunication and misunderstanding, I guess everything I’m going through right now is just a test.

Oh well, Alhamdulilah always.

On a side note , from my mobile photo library

Let us pray.

Money changes people

Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

When want to work with anyone when money is involved, even if they are family or friends or strangers take your time and have everything on paper for your own personal safety and theirs,

Money changes people so having everything clear from the start makes it easier moving forward also make it easier to get out if you want to.

If I can go back in time I would take my time testing people out who I know and wanted to work with, have everything on paper.

On a side note now

On my way for doctors appointment

Meeting new people

What makes you nervous?

It was never an issue before,but after few years of isolating myself I find it hard to meet new people, I actually avoid it unless it’s something important or necessary.

On a side note , had vegetable pizza for lunch


Depends on mood

How do you unwind after a demanding day?

I love to nap when I can it’s rarely happens but I love it when it does,

Enjoy playing games, I’m a huge fan of MMOs and ARPGs, few hours would be great,

Reading that usually means I’ll be napping,

Watching videos, tv shows or YouTube depending on how my mind level feels sometimes I require to be more active towards the show to understand the plot, I could watch videos of cats or grandparents meeting their grandchildren for the first time, or puppies with babies something that doesn’t require much attention or energy.

Cooking is something I enjoy but all of it depends on the level of energy I have.

On a side note

Always start your day fixing your own bed, it doesn’t have to be perfect just get in habit of it

I kinda made my bed

I’m just tired

Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

For two days I have not feeling well, just too lazy and out of energy to do anything

I guess it’s one of those days I’m feeling a bit better but still want to lay in bed, and I guess I will do that cause why not

On a side note

Some blood tests done

Take the risk, You will know

Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you.

I was in my twenties, was at an old English fashioned style pub, in a foreign country, I was having a snack, and there was this girl with a group of her friends playing pool, she was gorgeous.

An old guy sat next to me, and said to me” how long do you plan on just watching her?” I was startled, turn around this old guy I think in his seventies, “ he looked at the girl and said “you been looking at her and doing nothing “ I said “what can I do?” he told me “ you can go ahead and start a conversation maybe buy her a drink, if I was your age I would ” my question then “ what if she said no?” He just looked away and said “ at least you will know and move on”

So I did, went to the pool table and asked if I could join playing with the winner, they said okay we chatted introduced myself the happened to be visiting too. The funny thing is she told me after few games “ I was wondering when you would come over “ “Really?!” I was surprised

I saw the old guy on his way out and gave me the thumbs up, he told me” at your age you need to take some risks, so you don’t waste your time on, what could’ve or would’ve, and spend your energy on something that works “ I thanked him

I had made new friends best vacation memories were made.

After that I started taking more risks and being more confident cause risks works with almost everything we going through being it a job , meeting your future wife, or just a free pie.

On a side note

Coffee time

Loving myself first

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

And saying no more often, there is more to it than just that , having abundant of time to come first after years of making people around me happy on my own expanse.

As soon as I started giving myself priority on everything mostly, sometimes in some cases family comes first,

It was hard in the beginning but with time it gets easier, one thing for sure I’m more comfortable and content with what I’m doing, things I really enjoy and not doing something to satisfy others around me making myself miserable in the process.

On a side note

Soft Kunafa with cream waiting to be devoured