Games, science fiction, fantasy and TV shows

What topics do you like to discuss?

I enjoy talking about games mainly PC games, love to discover new games and play them with friends or solo, storytelling and lore comes naturally with my next topics too,

My love for science fiction “Star Trek and Warhammer 40,000” and fantasy “Stormlight Archive “ exploration of the world building and going beyond what is written,

Then discuss tv shows and movies including anime is fun time with like minded people , and as you might imagine more interested in sci fi and fantasy as priority for me personally

On a side note I ordered for tonight

For dinner

The Silent Guardians of the Blue Planet

 Echoes of the Forbidden Galaxy

“Image created by OpenAI’s DALL·E”

In the vast halls of the University of Zentari, on a planet light-years away from Earth, two college students, Jalen and Kira, sat in a crowded history class, eagerly awaiting the start of a lecture on “The Forbidden Galaxies: Myths and Realities.” The room buzzed with the energy of young minds fascinated by the mysteries of the universe. Among the myriad topics, one that captivated their imagination the most was the story of the Milky Way, known to them as the Veiled Galaxy.

“Image created by OpenAI’s DALL·E”

Jalen, a bright student with an insatiable curiosity about ancient civilizations, leaned over to Kira, his best friend, and a fellow history enthusiast. “Can you believe we’re finally going to learn about the Veiled Galaxy? I’ve heard rumors that it’s home to the most powerful ancient civilization in the known universe,” he whispered, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Kira, practical yet equally fascinated, nodded. “Yes, but remember, it’s forbidden for a reason. Our ancestors didn’t put those stories in our textbooks as invitations but as warnings.”

As the professor, an elderly Zentarian with a deep knowledge of galactic history began the lecture, the room fell silent. “Today,” the professor started, “we discuss the Veiled Galaxy, a region of space that remains a mystery to us due to the ancient guardians that protect it. These guardians, belonging to a civilization far beyond our understanding, have made it clear that intrusion into their domain is not welcome.”

The professor then displayed images of Earth, a beautiful blue planet, the focal point of the Veiled Galaxy’s mystery. “This planet, known to the guardians as Earth, is protected by an Ætheric Veil. Any attempt to breach this veil has resulted in spacecraft being lost in time and space, never to return.”

Jalen raised his hand, a question burning within him. “Professor, are there any stories of those who encountered the guardians or the veil?”

The professor nodded. “Yes, there are tales of explorers who have glimpsed beyond the veil, only to be sent back with messages not of threats, but of protection. They speak of human-like aliens, so advanced that they consider the preservation of their world and its secrets paramount to any form of contact.”

The discussion sparked an idea in Jalen’s mind. Turning to Kira, he said, “What if the reason they’re so protective isn’t just about their planet but about us? What if they’re waiting for the right moment or the right level of maturity from other civilizations?”

Kira pondered Jalen’s question. “That would mean they see potential in us, a potential that we might not even see in ourselves. It’s both humbling and terrifying.”

Their conversation was cut short as the lecture continued, delving into theories about why the Veiled Galaxy was off-limits. Yet, their minds were already racing, filled with dreams of distant worlds and ancient guardians.

After class, as they walked through the university’s sprawling campus, Jalen and Kira continued their discussion. “Imagine if one day, we’re deemed ready,” Jalen mused, gazing up at the stars.

“Image created by OpenAI’s DALL·E”

Kira smiled, sharing his wonder. “Then maybe, just maybe, we’ll get to meet these ancient protectors. Until then, we have our path to forge, learning from the stories of those who came before us.”

Their conversation reflected the dreams of many on their planet: to one day explore the mysteries of the Veiled Galaxy, to understand the ancient wisdom of its guardians, and to join the cosmic community as equals, with respect for the treasures and secrets of the universe.

As they parted ways, the stars above twinkled with the promise of future adventures, mysteries to unravel, and a connection that spanned the cosmos, waiting for the right moment to reveal the full story of the Silent Guardians of the Blue Planet.

“this is a short story I hope to expand on in the future” Majix